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 Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyMer 3 Sep 2014 - 16:22

After reading, re-reading all these messages- I am sad and frustrated. Why are these comics not being translated to English. When will Goscinny fans over here in India be able to read LUC JUNIOR, JEHAN PISTOLET, MR. SAIT TOUT, BENJAMIN ET BENJAMINE etc.
Goscinny publishers, translators, scanlators...please heed to the request of this desperate fan
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyMar 9 Sep 2014 - 16:36

Après avoir lu, relu tous ces messages- je suis triste et frustré. Pourquoi ces bandes dessinées ne sont pas traduits en anglais. Quand les fans Goscinny plus ici en Inde pouvoir lire LUC JUNIOR, Jehan Pistolet, MR. SAIT TOUT, ​​BENJAMIN ET BENJAMINE etc
Goscinny éditeurs, les traducteurs, scanlators ... s'il vous plaît attention à la demande de ce fan désespérée
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyMer 10 Sep 2014 - 19:20

As I said:
Lucky63 a écrit:
English versions of Luc Junior, Jehan Pistolet, Benjamin, Valentin don't exist. And we can't translate this comics because like Genug said, we don't own the right and secondly, being a translator is a profession we are not : Transalte french puns in english isn't easy.

But, here, you can find a lot of unpublished or rare text & comics related to Goscinny in french.
With webtranslators and dictionaries, you can make your own translation understanding much.

Actually, you're right. We should translate the most Goscinny comics in english, to popularize Goscinny's unknown works in other countries.

The problem is multiple.
1/ We aren't professional translators, and french puns is very difficult to translate. And professional translators is a profession on his own.
2/ But we should try as non-professional translator, but it require a lot of time, time we dedicate in other thing in our life.
3/ What you don't know is, here in France, paper versions of Luc junior, Benjamin, Jehan Pistolet, Docteur Sait-tout and all others Goscinny's unknown works, doesn't exist or are very rare & expensive. French editors aren't interest in publish Goscinny's unknown works (imagine in english translations), so most french people doesn't even know the existence of this unknown works.
This forum is just composed of hard fans, passionates and curious ; who try to share our passion to others people. It work because you're here. But we don't represented french comics' readers, just french passionates and curious.

Also you have all scans comics of his forum, nothing stop you to make your own translation directly in english or in indian of some stories with the help of webtranslators and dictionaries.

Anyway, I'm still pleased an indian Goscinny fan like what you do, and feels gladness to discover new stories. Very Happy
Be seeing you !
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 11 Sep 2014 - 3:23

thank you Lucky63 for your detailed reply. I understand that this Forum consists only of fans...Andre Bell and Dereck Hockridge had done a marvelous job of translating Asterix; Nicholas Fry translated Oumpah Pah (as Ompa- Pa in English).
I wrote the above message in he fervent hope, wish and desire that someone connected with Albert Rene Productions might be reading the messages- and they might be inspired to go ahead with the translation work.
And to translate or scanlate- it would require a good comprehensive knowledge of both French and English. If not using web translate would give a haphazard result.thank you for the reply. I am also going to write to the official publishers directly

merci Lucky63 pour votre réponse détaillée. Je comprends que ce Forum se compose uniquement de fans ... Andre Bell et Dereck Hockridge avaient fait un travail merveilleux de traduire Astérix; Nicolas Fry traduit Oumpah Pah (comme Ompa- Pa en anglais).
J'ai écrit le message ci-dessus dans l'espoir qu'il fervent, souhait et le désir que quelqu'un connecté avec Albert René Productions pourrait être en train de lire le messages- et ils pourraient être inspiré pour aller de l'avant avec le travail de traduction.
Et de traduire ou scanlate- il exigerait une bonne connaissance approfondie du français et de l'anglais. Si vous n'utilisez pas Internet traduire donnerait un result.thank hasard vous pour la réponse. Je vais aussi écrire aux éditeurs officiels directement
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyDim 28 Déc 2014 - 3:19

hello all
And with apologies in writing in English)

i wrote to the publishers of Asterix and requested them to publish the English translated versions of Luc Junior and Jehan Pistolet and here is the message I received.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email and for your interest.
We are currently discussing the English translations of Oumpah Pah (new edition), Jehan Pistolet and Luc Junior with a English publisher, who would handle the worlwide distribution in English language.
In addition, we are about to launch Astérix in Hindi, in 2015 !
With kind regards,
Mathilde Jablonski
Senior International Rights Manager - Illustrated Children's Books & Astérix

I read this message on 25th December 2014. And this was the best Christmas gift for me. I am counting the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds for more to happen- and for me to read Luc Junior and Jehan Pistolet.
Also fans would be happy to know that a new English translation of Oumpah- Pah is on the way. I have with me the Nicholas fry translated albums (as Ompa- Pa) which were published way back in the Seventies.  Hindi Asterix. After Bengali, this would be the first time Asterix is being published in an Indian language. Welcome the same- though I am more inclined to read the English translated versions.
hope by X'mas 2015 or 2016 I would be able to read Jehan Pistolet and Luc Junior.
the french (google translated) text is given below.

bonjour à tous
je ai écrit aux éditeurs d'Astérix et leur a demandé de publier les versions traduites de l'anglais Luc junior et Jehan Pistolet et voici le message que je ai reçu.
[i] Cher Monsieur,
Merci pour votre e-mail et de votre intérêt.
Nous discutons actuellement les traductions de Oumpah Pah (nouvelle édition), Jehan Pistolet et Luc junior anglais avec un éditeur anglais, qui se occuperait de la distribution worlwide en anglais.
En outre, nous sommes sur le point de lancer Astérix en hindi, en 2015!
Mathilde Jablonski
Seniors Rights International Manager - Livres & Astérix de illustrés enfants [/ i]

Je ai lu ce message le 25 Décembre 2014. Et ce était le meilleur cadeau de Noël pour moi. Je compte les jours, les heures, les minutes, les secondes pour plus de qui surviennent à et pour moi de lire Luc junior et Jehan Pistolet.
Aussi fans seraient heureux de savoir qu'une nouvelle traduction anglaise de Oumpah- Pah est sur le chemin. Je ai avec moi la RFY Nicholas albums traduit (comme Ompa- Pa) qui ont été publiés le chemin du retour dans les années soixante-dix. Hindi Astérix. Après bengali, ce serait la première fois Astérix est publié dans une langue indienne. Bienvenue l'same- si je suis plus enclin à lire les versions anglaise traduits.
espère par X'mas 2015 ou 2016, je serais capable de lire Jehan Pistolet et Luc junior.
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyDim 28 Déc 2014 - 17:15

Fabulous ! It's a wonderful news for you and for all Goscinny's worldwide fans. Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyMer 13 Mai 2015 - 5:07

Another update I got today:
"we are currently discussing with a UK publisher to get an English version of Oumpah Pah and Jehan Pistolet. We should get a clear picture of the editorial plan in 2016.
with kind regards,

Cant wait for 2016- (and before that October 22nd 2015)
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyMer 13 Mai 2015 - 16:33

advnarayan a écrit:
Another update I got today:
"we are currently discussing with a UK publisher to get an English version of Oumpah Pah and Jehan Pistolet. We should get a clear picture of the editorial plan in 2016.
with kind regards,

Cant wait for 2016- (and before that October 22nd 2015)
Good news ! cheers
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 10 Sep 2015 - 0:43

I have a question for you, advnarayan.
Are you familiar with the work of Gotlib ? Do you know what is the "Rubrique-à-Brac" (and before the "Dingodossiers" write by Goscinny) ?

I ask the question because I just learn any of Gotlib work has been translated in English. Which is surprising but not no much after all.
Probably any editors has ever think this kind of humor could be understand in foreign countries, which will be strange because Gotlib and Goscinny was inspired of MAD magazine for their work. Or the typography of Gotlib is too difficult to translate, but still...

Why has it never been translated ? That's a great question we will need to work on it... Neutral
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 10 Sep 2015 - 4:10

I have heard of Gotlib and just know him by reputation as the co- author/ illustrator of LES DINGODOSSIERS. i do not know much more about him. I feel that just like other French classics, the majority of the English speaking world is unaware of his creations. Publishers are afraid or vary of taking a 'risk' in translating such works. Here is were I believe unofficial translations comes to the rescue. Had it not been for unofficial translations like scanlations- Manga comics would never have been published in English. only after the huge response Manga comics got through these unofficial translations, did the publishers decide to go for regular official translations. Hope better sense prevails and soon french classics are published in English.
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 10 Sep 2015 - 11:43

Thanks for your answer ! Smile

I understand your point about the unofficial translation Manga comics. But maybe the Manga are easier to translate than Goscinny or Gotlib work. I don't know Manga, but I have no ideas on to translate puns or french expressions in english. It can only the work of a professionnal. And the "RAB" like the "Dingodossiers" have a lot of texts and a special typography. It would be understandable that a translator want to be pay for this kind of work.

Even if Gotlib is quite famous in France, a lot of young french people and students don't know him or its work, which is always surprising to me. Maybe because we are all influent by only the present time and the past don't interest us anymore, plus the fact people read less and less.
But still, the "RAB" was really famous in France, it's really strange any editors has the idea to translate in english for promoting its comics outside France.

But I can give you a little possible good new for you, advnarayan. It is possible in the future I might be translate some of pages of "RAB" and "Dingodossiers" in english for personnal reason, but it could only be a quick translation on a Word file. Never said never. Wink
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 10 Sep 2015 - 14:27

this is one great news.....and possibly the event of the year in my case.
its diffuclt to translate pubs. What Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge did with official English translations of Asterix was to imbibe the meanings and context of puns- and then go for a translation that did justice to the spirit of the work rather than a word- by word translation. It is a difficult and time taking job.
I wish you all the best- and I hope that your effort pays off and I hope the publishers accept your work as the official translation of the same. my prayers are with you in this great effort
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 10 Sep 2015 - 17:48

Advnarayan, did you try to translate some Goscinny work in english or in india by yourself ?
Not Gotlib because it's too difficult, but others classic comics. Because the name you give by PM, can help you for the translation more than we are.
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 10 Sep 2015 - 18:28

Nope- i have never attempted a translation before- firstly, because I do not know even the basics of French. And to attempt a translation you need to know the basics of both French and English. And secondly you need to be adept in photoshop also to do something like that
and advnarayan stands for Narayan Radhakrishnan
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyLun 19 Sep 2022 - 7:04

Greetings all
The last two years- especially after corona outbreak- i decided to translate some works to English. Purely a fan translation. The works I translated to English are "Le Secret de la Potion Magique" (as THE SECRET OF THE MAGIC POTION) and "Le Menhir D'or" (as THE GOLDEN MENHIR). Now I am on work on translating JERICOCORIX. My aim is to finish work on all the lesser known Asterix works. I have not got with me copies of JERICOCORIX, LE COURS DE CHARS and MARMAILLE ET PAGAILE. Can anyone send across copies of LES PIRATES, L'ILLUSTRISIMME BELCANTUS, L'ABOMINABLE HORRIFIX, LE FEU DE POMMES and LE' EAU DU CIEL. I shall translate the same too to English. I promise that I will make only fair use of the soft copies and translations will remain as pure fan translations. Thank you- advnarayan at gmail dot com

Salutations à tous
Les deux dernières années - surtout après l'épidémie de corona - j'ai décidé de traduire certaines œuvres en anglais. Purement une traduction de fan. Les œuvres que j'ai traduites en anglais sont "Le Secret de la Potion Magique" (comme THE SECRET OF THE MAGIC POTION) et "Le Menhir D'or" (comme THE GOLDEN MENHIR). Maintenant je travaille sur la traduction de JERICOCORIX. Mon objectif est de terminer le travail sur toutes les œuvres moins connues d'Astérix. Je n'ai pas avec moi des exemplaires de JERICOCORIX, LE COURS DE CHARS et MARMAILLE ET PAGAILE. Quelqu'un peut-il envoyer des copies de LES PIRATES, L'ILLUSTRISIMME BELCANTUS, L'ABOMINABLE HORRIFIX, LE FEU DE POMMES et LE' EAU DU CIEL. Je traduirai la même chose en anglais. Je promets que je ne ferai qu'un usage équitable des copies électroniques et que les traductions resteront de pures traductions de fans. Merci - advnarayan  @ gmail dot com
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyMer 21 Sep 2022 - 21:43

Hey advnarayan !
I don't think you will find copy here or elsewhere of theses books, simply because there are not official Asterix, just cash-grab merchandising. Neither Goscinny or Uderzo wrote them. (In comparaison, "Le Secret de la Potion Magique" and "Le Menhir D'or" are official-special Astérix. The second was even written by Goscinny.)

I didn't even know their existence before you mentionned them. I find references of this collection "Rouge et Or" here : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
And I think you were misguided, neither Goscinny or Uderzo wrote theses books, it's a mistake from the website.
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 22 Sep 2022 - 2:54

Lucky63 a écrit:
Hey advnarayan !
I don't think you will find copy here or elsewhere of theses books, simply because there are not official Asterix, just cash-grab merchandising. Neither Goscinny or Uderzo wrote them. (In comparaison, "Le Secret de la Potion Magique" and "Le Menhir D'or" are official-special Astérix. The second was even written by Goscinny.)

I didn't even know their existence before you mentionned them. I find references of this collection "Rouge et Or" here : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
And I think you were misguided, neither Goscinny or Uderzo wrote theses books, it's a mistake from the website.

Oh....I did not know that. The Goscinny- Uderzo name above each of these titles creates an impression that it is official book. Thank you for the reply, friend
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Nombre de messages : 49
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyJeu 22 Sep 2022 - 10:09

La collection rouge et or était tout a fait officielle, ils étaient en contact avec Uderzo pour avoir édité au début des années 70 les fameux albums Pop Hop (Cléopâtre et JO)
Cette collection qui date des années 80 n'a évidemment pas été écrite par Goscinny et a probablement été dessinée par le studio Albert René (les frères Mebarki) sous le contrôle d'Uderzo.
Comme ça s'adressait aux tout petits, les scénarios devaient être un peu niais.
Je pense que ça n'a jamais été repris par Albert René pour la même raison que les Idéfix :
Trop mauvais ! Trop loin de l'esprit Astérix
Donc advnarayan, je suis d'accord avec Lucky63 Ca ne sert à rien de les traduire.
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyVen 23 Sep 2022 - 5:07

(Reply in English)
Thank you for the message. I did not know to read or write French language. During the covid lockdown- i decided to teach myself French. I got a book "Teach Yourself French (by Kiran Chaudhry) and also with the help of internet translation tools- studied and translated from French to English the Asterix works. Even this message I write has been subject to help of internet translation tools. The G.P. Rouge edition books are suitable for a person like me taking baby steps into the beautiful world of French language. So while translating these books- I brush up on my French language...its learning combined with pleasure. Once again thank you for the reply.

(Réponse en français)
Merci pour le message. Je ne savais ni lire ni écrire la langue française. Pendant le confinement covid, j'ai décidé de m'apprendre le français. J'ai reçu un livre "Apprends-toi le français (par Kiran Chaudhry) et aussi avec l'aide d'outils de traduction sur Internet - j'ai étudié et traduit du français vers l'anglais les oeuvres d'Astérix. Même ce message que j'écris a été soumis à l'aide d'outils de traduction sur Internet. Le Les livres de l'édition G.P. Rouge conviennent à une personne comme moi qui fait des pas de bébé dans le monde magnifique de la langue française. Ainsi, tout en traduisant ces livres, je révise ma langue française... son apprentissage combiné avec plaisir. Encore une fois merci pour le Réponse.
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Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyDim 24 Mar 2024 - 4:15

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English 00_cov10
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Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English 000_fr10
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Date d'inscription : 13/07/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyDim 24 Mar 2024 - 4:16

Covers of the works we unofficially translated to English. Respecting copyright laws- I cannot post the english text anywhere else. the translations are for my eyes only
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Nombre de messages : 829
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English   Request to translate Luc Junir, Jehan Pistolet etc to English EmptyLun 22 Avr 2024 - 10:45

Nice work!
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